享受轻松的500英尺步行到雷鸣般的瀑布! 可通往高桥、周边步道和自然中心. The Box Cañon Falls is a must see in Ouray, Colorado!
Box Cañon Falls Park & Nature Center
盒子Cañon瀑布是峡谷溪的顶点,在它加入乌雷附近的昂康帕格里河之前. 水以巨大的力量从狭窄的石英岩峡谷中直泻而下.
*No dogs are allowed in the park
Office Phone 970.325.7080
Visitor Center Hours
9 am - 5 pm | May
8 am - 8 pm | Memorial Day - Labor Day
9 am - 5 pm | October
Closed | November - March
$5 | 4- 17 Years Old
$7 | 18 - 62 Years Old
$6 | 62 - 74 Years Old
Free |. 75 + and 3 and under
The Box Cañon Falls Park remains open all year round. We do close the Box Canyon Road in the winter time. 你仍然可以把车停在OHV集结地或第三大道,然后步行到公园.
How to Get to Box Cañon Falls
Coming from the north:
Travel through town on Main Street heading south. 你将做一个很长的左转弯,经过你左边的OHV集结区. 有一个指示牌指示你离开高速公路右转进入361县道(鸟营路)。. 停在岔路口,然后沿着Box Cañon路走到停车场.
Coming from the south:
Before you get into town, 你将在OHV集结地左转,进入县道361(鸟营路). 停在岔路口,然后沿着Box Cañon路走到停车场.
*This road is one-way traffic only. The entrance is the road off Highway 550
Check out the falls.
Enjoy 50 seconds of the Box Cañon Falls experience. 这个景点很容易从镇上到达,步行或开车,家庭友好. No dogs allowed in the park.
Box Cañon Falls, Ouray's own wonder of the world, 峡谷小溪的顶点是否变窄,每分钟倾泻数千加仑的水. At this most spectacular geological formation, 285英尺高的瀑布直落入狭窄的石英岩峡谷. 狭窄的岩壁高出瀑布近100英尺!
Hiking Trails
公园里有三条解说步道,从简单到中等难度不等. 公园提供野餐、徒步旅行和令人难忘的观光. Our visitor center houses interpretive exhibits, describing the geology, wildlife, and history of the area.
The Falls Trail 是一条平坦的,容易的,500英尺的步道进入峡谷吗.
The High Bridge Trail takes you up 200 feet in a half-mile round trip hike. 沿着小路可以看到美丽的城镇景色和圆形剧场的山峰.
The Native Plant Loop 是一个短而轻松的散步,有河流的声音,树木和灌木,以及植物标记来帮助识别 the local flora of the Box Cañon. 这是公园里唯一一条没有台阶的小路.
The Black Swifts
盒子Cañon被国家奥杜邦协会认定为观鸟热点. Home to a significant colony of Black Swifts, the Box Cañon is frequented by ornithologists, bird enthusiasts, and nature lovers. 许多观鸟者来到盒子Cañon瀑布观察黑雨燕,并将这种物种添加到他们的“生命列表”中。.
Black Swifts (Cypseloides niger)是迁徙到北美的雨燕中体型最大的. 黑雨燕群通常在六月初到达盒子Cañon瀑布. 巢是用泥和草重建的,在繁殖季节,雌鸟通常只下一个蛋. The chicks are hatched after 24-25 days. Parents both care for the young birds.
一旦这些鸟长到足以飞翔的年龄,它们就会离开巢穴,在秋天迁徙到巴西的热带雨林, a distance of more than 4,300 miles! 这通常发生在九月初,大约是第一次霜冻的时候. 雏鸟像蜂鸟一样挂在巢边拍打翅膀来增强力量. 这是它们迁徙到南半球之前唯一的锻炼.
盒子Cañon瀑布一直是研究黑雨燕的重要地点. 黑雨燕受到1918年联邦候鸟条约法案的保护.
Whether actively seeking a specific bird species, or simply sitting in the beautiful scenery, listening to bird songs, watching the birds and chipmunks, Box Cañon公园的自然设施总是令人愉快的.
Fun Black Swift Facts
1. 这种鲜为人知且难以捉摸的北美鸟类在欧瑞的博克斯峡谷瀑布安家. 这是最容易看到这种特殊物种的地方之一.
2. 雨燕在阿尔伯塔省和不列颠哥伦比亚省的瀑布和洞穴中繁殖, Canada, down through the western US and into Mexico.
3. 它们只以空中昆虫和气球蜘蛛为食. 在科罗拉多州,它们用苔藓筑巢,每年只下一个蛋. 筑巢期较长,持续3-1/2至4个月. 据信,单身的雏鸟一离开巢穴就会立即开始向南的长途迁徙.
4. 它们是长途候鸟,它们的非繁殖地(越冬地)在巴西的亚马逊州. 这一事实是由科罗拉多州的研究人员在2009-2010年发现的. 这些鸟在秋天不停地从科罗拉多州的繁殖地飞来, 4,350 miles at an average speed of ~240 miles/day, 第二年春天,他们又回到了科罗拉多州的繁殖地.
5. 最近发现,在巴西的8个月非繁殖期,越冬地的黑雨燕在99%的时间里都是在空中飞行的.
6. 这些雨燕是一种非常长寿的鸟类,尤其是平均寿命为1岁的鸟类.5 ounces in weight. The oldest Black Swifts documented are 18 years old, and studies are ongoing, so we may find that they live even longer.
7. So, if these swifts make a round trip of ~8,700 miles annually, and can live up to 18 years of age, over their lifetime they can travel over 157,000 miles. That is equal to flying around the earth 6 times, or 2/3 of the way to the moon during their lifetime. 这还不包括它们几乎不间断地在非繁殖地上飞行的无数英里.
8. 黑雨燕被全球国际自然保护联盟(Global International Union for Conservation of Nature)列为“易危”物种,在加拿大被列为“濒危”物种. 就像所有的空中食虫动物一样(以空中昆虫为食的鸟类), Black Swift populations are decreasing. 整个美国和加拿大的人口估计在74岁左右,从1970年到2014年下降了94%.